Youth Ministry
“Train up children in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
At Saint James AME Church we encourage all parents to bring their children to Sunday School every Sunday so that they might learn the foundations of the Christian faith. Our young people also lead in various capacities during our worship services. In addition, the Youth Ministry fellowships after worship on 4th Sundays.
Young People’s Division
The Young People’s Division (YPD) is a connectional component group usually made up of Young leaders in the local church. It is tasked with implementing service projects in the community and workshops on Christian social relations and family life that deal with such topics as drug and alcohol abuse, personal development, teenage sexuality, communication, and morals. There is a formal enrollment process in the YPD. Sign up by completing the contact us form.
Sunday School
Sunday School (Church School) helps us to understand the Bible as the believers’ sacred guide to living a Godly, holy, and righteous life. Sunday School engages historical context and theological commentary so that hearers may learn the voice of God through biblical stories and characters. Sunday school should be divided into different age groups and intentionally based on group and pedagogy for structured teaching. In short, believers learn more about the Bible, popular characters, stories, and fundamentals of our faith. It is an opportunity to uncover areas of deeper study for the Christian Education Department.